Commercial Services

Having worked with a number of reputable organisations, Amplify Electrical understand the need for quality work delivered on time and within budget. We can assist you to review your current electrical system design and suggest changes to ensure optimum equipment operation, ultimately saving your business money on electricity consumption and potential repair costs. Our services include:

Project Fit Out

Amplify Electrical understand the need for quality work delivered on time and within budget. Our team has a broad range of commercial experience and is more than willing to put their time and dedication from start to finish into your project. Contact us today to discuss your fit out needs with our qualified team.

Energy Efficiency Audits

We can assist you to review your current electrical system design and suggest changes to ensure optimum equipment operation, ultimately saving your business money on electricity consumption and potential repair costs. Call us to arrange a visit or discuss your needs.

Commercial Lighting Design Plans

Amplify Electrical can help to provide you with advice and solutions for your commercial lighting requirements. We have you covered, from repairs on existing lights, new light installations and anything in between.

Technology and Data Solutions

Modern trends and advancements in technology have come a long way in the past decade. It is imperative as a company that we adjust and adapt technology and data solutions for our customers to follow along with these new advancements. Speak with one of our knowledgeable electricians about your needs and we will be happy to provide you with quality advice and solutions.

Test and Tag

In a commercial environment it is vital as a business you follow all of the workplace health and safety requirements. Ensure all of your equipment and appliances are in safe working order and have an in-date test and tag attached to the end of the electrical leads. To book in regular test and tags for your company, contact us today to make your appointment.

Safety Switches/RCD Testing

In a commercial environment, it is not only vital to have safety switches/RCDs on all of your electrical circuits, It is equally important to test them regularly and have an in-date test record of all of your equipment to ensure the correct operation of the safety switches to prevent the risk of failure in an emergency situation.

Emergency Lighting

In commercial and industrial buildings, it is necessary to ensure you have emergency lighting which is compliant with Australian Building Regulations. It is also important to note, any new modifications made to building plans, must ensure the emergency lighting is altered to comply with the Australian Building Regulations. If you do not have existing lighting or need someone to maintain and conduct regular testing on your emergency lighting, contact Amplify Electrical today.

Faulty Finding

If you are having electrical issues in your building which is disrupting your business, contact us to arrange for our help diagnosing the issue and providing advice for a solution to rectify the issue.

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